Thursday, 16 May 2013

The Importance of Communicative Father

Ricky Yusuf Putra Pramana

Leadership is one of the prominent characters in the person of a father, because the father is the head of the family, coordinating activities and the future of the family, breadwinner to support his family. Being a father is not an easy task, as each leader to bear the burden of responsibility that’s not small. With a huge responsibility, a father demanded to have a strong character, communicative,  and much more. Given these demands, then the key is that a father should have a strong leadership. In this article I will discuss one of the demands of the character of a father, the father of Communicative.

Communication between the fathers and the children, wives, neighbors and the other is a supporting factor is not less important as the other factors. Often we will meet some of the facts of a child who was disappointed with his father, also there are some wives who complained about her husband. Basically all of the complaints come from one source, namely the lack of good ways to communicate as a father.  Father communication skills should be even better for the atmosphere in the family to be comfortable, peaceful, and intimate. When father do the communication in terms of conveying the demands, desires, and suggestions should us the right approaches that really suited to each member of the family. So, communication that’s expected to occur in the home is a two-way communication, not the one-way communication. When there is a one-way communication between family members, then it will definitely be a gap in it. That gaps could be shaped as anger, frustration, and indifferent between family members.

In forming good communication within the family, a father should know about individual personality of each member of the family, so that interpersonal communication can be established with either the individual - each member of the family. When interpersonal communication and has no quality then each family member will feel completely - completely intertwined, each member of the family will not feel their own lives - each. But felt that the family that's the place to share with one another. With a sense of belonging to one another in the house so the atmosphere will be very comfortable, very peaceful, and very familiar. Therefore, for a father, you must be communicative father! for the prospective father, please begin to learn about the best communication method. That’s all  of my short article, I hope this article can increase knowledge for all of the readers

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