Sunday, 21 April 2013

What Makes a Good Leader

Ikram Alifkhan

A good leader aren’t born, they’re made.  We all are a leader, before we lead other people, we must lead ourself,  of course! we became the leader of ourself. People often ask, what is a leader ?, what is a leadership ?, who is a leader ?

It’s so simple to understand what is leader and leadership.  What is a leader ?, leader is coach, leader is a mentor, leader is a communicator, leader is a Champion!. Leader is someone who can manage themselves and the people that follow them, in order to achieve some goal. 

At the most basic level, a leader is someone who leads other. A good leader is a person who has a vision, a drive and a commitment to achieve that vision, and the skills to make it happen.  Leaders see a problem that needs to be fixed or a goal that needs to be achieved. It may be something that no one else sees or simply something that no one else wants to tackle. Whatever it is, it is the focus of the leader's attention and they attack it with a single-minded determination. A good leader takes the lead. A good leader has personality, courage, clear vision with ambition to succeed. A good leader encourages the team to perform to their optimum all the time and drives organisational success.

Then, what is a leadership ? Leadership is a Goal setter, Leadership is a motivator, leadership is a team player not individual, and last but not least, Leader is an Achiever. Leadership is empowering others, leadership is not just authority its influence, Leadership is described in so many ways, the point is leadership is a capability of some people to lead themselves and the other people.

So, Who is a leader ? a leader is someone with a powerful personality, a leader is a self confident person, a leader is a charismatic individual, an integrated human. We all have the potential to become a leader, it is our opportunity, our responsibility, and make it a commitment to unleash the LEADER in us! And how we do that ? 

First, challenge our limiting beliefs, then start to change our emotional state, make a decision from now on, and take massive action. Learn, practice, grow, unleash our potential to become a leader!  There is no better time… than now, so start now! And soon we’ll have a good leader, it’s YOU!

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