Monday, 24 June 2013

Leader of My Dream and My Expectation

Oleh : Alvian Aditya Kanzi (1112001030)

Indonesia. Kurang dari setahun negara tanah tumpah darah kita yang tercinta ini akan menyelenggarakan gelaran akbar lima tahunan, Pemilihan Umum. Sosok pemegang kendali yang baru akan segera muncul memimpin Republik ini untuk menggantikan sosok lama yang sudah lemas otot – ototnya setelah 10 tahun memegang jabatan mahaberat ini.

Pemimpin baru. Ya, pemimpin baru yang akan memimpin negara ini. Seperti apa kira – kira sosoknya kelak? Sefrontal Soekarno? Semoderat Gus Dur? Sekeras Soeharto? Apakah si pemimpin baru tersebut nanti bisa membuktikan diri bahwa dia adalah sang pemimpin impian?
Bangsa ini butuh sosok seorang pemimpin impian. Dalam pandangan saya sebagai seorang young Indonesian yang cukup peduli terhadap sejarah dan situasi kekinian di negara ini,  pemimpin yang dapat memenuhi kualifikasi tersebut adalah pemimpin yang mampu dengan wibawanya mendapat respek sempurna dari rakyatnya. Pemimpin yang mampu dengan intelektualitasnya mengambil langkah – langkah sempurna. Pemimpin yang mampu dengan keteguhan imannya menyalurkan intelektualitasnya ke arus yang positif. Pemimpin yang lebih menyeimbangkan akal dan nafsunya. Pemimpin yang bisa tunduk pada kedaulatan rakyat dan konstitusi negara, tapi bisa menjadi keras kepala dan sulit diatur oleh pihak luar yang berusaha terlalu jauh masuk ke internal negara. Kalau kata orang Jawa, Pemimpin yang tidak gampang “di-plokotho”.

“A man who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back on the crowd.” — Max Lucado

Pemimpin impian harus mampu berdiri di atas semua golongan, mengutamakan kepentingan keseluruhan lapisan masyarakatnya. He is the Messiah. Pemimpin yang masih mampu berdiri dan menyelamatkan bangsanya walaupun dia harus berjalan dalam kelompok yang kecil, bahkan sendirian. Dan yang paling penting, dia harus menyatu dengan negara ini. Bukan cuma sekedar kenal, tapi menyatu.
Ekspektasi saya kepada pemimpin yang akan naik tahta tahun depan tidak semuluk-muluk penjabaran tentang harapan saya tentang sosok pemimpin impian. Saya tidak berharap sang pemimpin impian akan datang tahun depan, karena bagi saya itu tidak realistis. Mungkin dia akan datang 10 atau 15 tahun lagi. Saya hanya berharap pemimpin yang akan datang bisa jujur,  fair, terbuka, dan bisa merebut kepercayaan masyarakat yang sekarang sudah terlanjur hilang terhadap kondisi kepemimpinan bangsa saat ini. Itu saja.
Terima kasih.

Sumber :

Leader of My Dream and My Expectation

Oleh : Akbar Jamaludin Aly (1111001107)

What is a leader?
Who like to organize everything? who likes to lead in every activity? who likes to get out to the people?

Then, what is the function of a leader?
The change in order to become something better? be an example for the his or hers inferiors? there should be a place where great ideas and a remarkable firmness?

In life, we obviously need a leader. We need leaders to lead ourselves. Everything, we need a mover (leader) for our lives. Yes, we are a leader.

Our leaders?

Leaders do not all have to be official anyway. Just look at the life and ourselves, we lead our own lives, right? directing too right? means we are the leaders.

Society always has hope, has the ideal leader, that has good behaviors such as assertive, authoritative and fair. Society always dream the real figure of a true leader. Always dreamed of someone who is really a leader. But it turns out, the leader of this country are still many who have not been able to match expectations. Still floating and do not know what the outcome ..

Nobody is perfect. Including the leader. Leaders also must have doing mistake. Because humans can not be separated from the name of a sense of "wrong". However, the state "must have got the wrong leader" was not too instrumental in leading the system leaders in Indonesia. Right?

Leader in Indonesia. Good character but more strangely silent on the move. Spread more promise than repair. Although not all of them, but most are like that. Their consciousness that they hold a large mandate? bring people's welfare in his shoulder.

As a public good, we should also support the government and ourselves as leaders. As a good community, we also ought to assist the government in making a repair. Not only enjoy the results and wait. Governments need help here

"The best leader is the one you love and they love you. You pray for them and them pray for you”. (Hadist riwayat by Muslim)

Here are some criteria to be ideal leaders and ideal society.

Characteristics of an Ideal Leader

1. High-spirited social
Because people need to be approached and heard. Gave a speech "we'll help" directly will make people consider that we are a good leader. Bottom line, listen and also appreciate the concern for the environment and, community leaders directly rather go work to the field of the leaders who sat but did a good thing though.

2. Always keep promises
It's obvious. The ideal leader is the promise which was given fast even during the campaign period. As if to give good hope for the area over  more.

3. Always be fair
Such leaders are always sought after. People always want a fair leader. Evenly and not targeting a specific area of ​​the other. Evenly and precisely.

Ideal leader much coveted by the public. Who is the true leader? If we look from a little above characteristics. Then maybe the character will only fit on Prophet Muhammad himself. Because he is in addition to religious leader at that time, he was also a community leader for the Muslim, Jewish, and Christian in Medina.

Leader of My Dream and My Expectation

Oleh : Abdul Rahman (1122002012)

"I am harsh.  Oh Allah!  Allow me to be soft with the people I am responsible for!"

That statement’s Umar ibn Al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him), after being appointed as Khalifah. The people who has the leadership same as Umar ibn Al Khattab, is the leader of my dream and my expectation. A leader is some who recognizes his weaknesses and is not afraid to admit them.  His priority is the well-being of his people, not his ego.  Most importantly, he turns to Allah for help in fulfilling his responsibility and does not solely rely on himself. 

We frequently talk about the amazing leadership of Umar (RA), but rarely pay attention to the things that made him the leader he was.  We all have great potential, we simply have to follow the formula for success laid out by our illustrious predecessors.

Under the leadership of Umar ibn Al-Khattab Islam spread widely not by the sword but by virtue of its beauty, simplicity, transparency, openness and the leadership provided by him. Another reason for the rapid growth of Muslim community was the conversion of some high-placed religious personalities from among the Jewish and the Christian communities. These religious personalities saw Islam as a continuation and affirmation of the Abrahamic faith. Ardkun, the Bishop of Damascus, accepted Islam after the Islamic armies entered the city under Khalid bin Walid. The followers of Ardkun became attracted towards the new faith and became Muslim. The chief administrator of the city of Shata in Egypt, famous for its textiles manufacturing, left his town with two thousand men and went to city of Damietta where the Muslim army was camped and embraced Islam with his followers. 

During the time of Umar ibn Al-Khattab, the non-Muslims enjoyed freedom of religion. They were free to perform their religious rites, ring bells to start their religious ceremonies, take out the Cross in procession and hold religious fairs. Even treaties were signed during the time of Umar ibn Al-Khattab with non-Muslims that guaranteed freedom of religion. The writ of Hudhaifa bin al-Yaman to people of the region of Mahdinar says, "They shall not be required to change their religion, nor shall any interference be made in their religious practices."  Umar ibn Al-Khattab followed the principle of equality very strictly and would not tolerate any kind of distinction.

Umar ibn Al-Khattab always favored individual freedom and self-respect. By word of mouth and through his writings he made it very clear that every human being was born free and no one should have to abase himself in front of others.

Umar ibn Al-Khattab used to end his speeches with following statement: "O God, let me not fall into an error, nor let me be called to account on unawares, nor let me fall into neglect." Umar ibn Al-Khattab's actions speak louder about his character, his integrity and his love for the people in the Muslim state. He made rounds at night to gauge and evaluate the condition of the people. His achievements are reflection of his life.

Leader of My Dream and My Expectation

Oleh : Naziih A.M (1111001036)

Baru saja aku tersenyum karena sebuah cerita lucu blog teman kuliah, aku terhenyak menyaksikan berita tentang kerusuhan yang terjadi pada KBRI di Jeddah yang dilakukan oleh para pahlawan devisa Indonesia, TKI. Lebih terhenyak lagi melihat berita di salah satu media online yang menyampaikan tanggapan dan himbauan SBY tentang kenaikan BBM. Seketika rasa keingintahuan sebagai seorang mahasiswa menghinggapi pikiran ini. 

Kenapa beliau tidak menyampaikan juga kesedihan dan keprihatinan terhadap masalah TKI di luar negeri saat itu, atau setidaknya tentang monorail Jakarta yang tak kunjung turun bantuan dari pemerintah pusat? Kenapa beliau tidak membahas tentang densus 88 yang kini mendapat sorotan tajam dari ulama dan banyak kalangan akan tindakan preventif berlebihannya yang menyebabkan mereka bisa membunuh terduga teroris sebelum diperiksa? Kenapa beliau tidak membahas tentang jatuhnya pesawat merpati yang (lagi-lagi) terjadi? Kenapa beliau tidak membahas banyaknya BUMN yang tetap merugi selama bertahun-tahun? Kenapa beliau tidak membahas alasan sembilan bahan pokok(sembako) negara kaya ini diimpor dari luar dan apa solusinya ke depan menghadapi semua ini? Kenapa beliau tidak membahas keprihatinannya atas sepak bola negara kita yang lagi-lagi terpuruk melawan belanda? Apakah beliau hanya peduli dengan topik yang mengancam kekuasaannya? Ataukah ia memang tidak tahu/peduli? Berbagai tanya dan keraguan menghinggapi pikiran saya ketika terfikir ini semua..

Namun semua kembali berlalu dengan sebuah kalimat di bibir teman yang kutanya tentang hal ini,” Beliau adalah presiden ketika terdesak, bukan ketika tenang. Bijaksana dan peduli pada hal yang membahayakannya, bukan pada hal yang dibutuhkan rakyatnya. Sudahlah, kita ini warga negara Indonesia, berharap pada pemimpin kita adalah jawaban bodoh. Maka mari kita belajar saja dan berkarya di luar negeri. Bila perlu mari berlomba untuk mengganti kewarganegaraan kita pada kepala negara yang peduli dengan rakyatnya. Di sana, tak perlu kita risau dengan hal-hal menyedihkan ini.” Aku tersenyum kelu. Aku adalah mahasiswa biasa yang setia pada agama dan negaranya. Aku seorang Indonesia yang percaya pada potensi besar negara kaya yang belum dimanfaatkan secara maksimal oleh pemimpin dan rakyatnya. Takkan sudi diriku jika harus mengganti kewarganegaraan. Aku tahu sampai saat inipun aku masih belum layak disebut sebagai orang Indonesia melihat kontribusiku pada negara yang belum ada sama sekali. Namun aku percaya akan masa depan cerah bangsa ini. Aku percaya pada prediksi para ekonom yang menyatakan 2025 indonesia akan menjadi negara dengan ekonomi kuat ke-7. Aku percaya masa itu akan tiba.

Bagiku saat itu akan tiba ketika Indonesia dipimpin oleh seorang pemimpin yang tepat. Kebetulan salah satu impianku adalah membantu dan memperbaiki pemerintahan di indonesia. Baik di luar pemerintahan sebagai warga sipil atau dari dalam sebagai orang pemerintahan. Tentunya saat itu aku sudah menjadi orang yang mapan secara finansial. Sehingga tak ada lagi alasan yang mampu membuat orientasi investasi pemerintahan untuk jangka panjang seperti perbaikan teknologi industi BUMN maupun kenaikan teknologi di bidang pertanian dan perikanan terhambat. Tentu saat itu presiden Indonesia adalah presiden yang mampu memetakan sektor strategis untuk pertanian, perikanan, dll. Tentu juga presiden saat itu adalah presiden yang berani melakukan investasi yang cukup besar di riset negara.  Ia mampu melakukan fungsi Planning-Organizing-Actuating-Controlling dng baik di negara ini. Sehingga negara ini mampu berdiri tegak di hadapan berbagai negara maju lainnya.

Harapanku bagi pemimpin Indonesia selanjutnya mungkin sederhana. Sesederhana hubungannya dengan tuhannya yang baik sehingga mampu menjadi contoh dan panutan bagi warga negaranya.  Sesederhana kedekatannya dengan warga negara yang membutuhkannya di daerah-daerah bermasalah. Sesederhana aktifnya ia memberi ceramah pada mahasiswa di kampus-kampus besar Indonesia minimal 3 bulan sekali. Sesederhana orientasi dan visinya yang jelas dan detail mau dibawa kemana negara indonesia yang belum pernah dipimpin pemimpin negara yang jelas selama ini. Sesederhana pemimpin yang mengawal langsung pemberantasan korupsi tanpa kompromi, tanpa adanya penolakan pada rencana panitia angket pajak dan kasus-kasus lainnya. sesederhana presiden yang mengerti kebutuhan rakyatnya di masa sekarang dan mempersiapkan investasi bagi generasi masa depannya. Sesederhana penyampaian aktifnya atas perasaan dan tindakannya menanggap[i berbagai kejadian yang terjadi di negaranya. Sesederhana presiden yang berusaha mencapai tujuan negara yang tercantum pada pembukaan UUD 1945. Sesederhana itu saja. Karena hal sederhana ini saja sudah mampu membuatku tenang dan bahagia. 

Sederhana..tapi bermakna...

Saturday, 8 June 2013

I agree if national exams removed from education



  I agree if national exams removed from education, I think the national exams more harm than good
The most important is

1.       because as to determine the quality of a student was not of a few subjects. With educational system it, This education system does not also boost achievement indonesia in the eyes of the world . then, after research conducted by the global league tables, Indonesia is the second-lowest educational system with mexico and brazil.
2.       teaches students to cheat, they are afraid of not graduating so justify any means to pass, not to teach good character but instead make the child know the extent of fraud that can be done.
3.       also improper grading system, so is detrimental if a student is achievement does not pass for forgetting to fill any of the data. when the asked goverment  about it, and just say because they are less careful, that's not been good reason for a minister.
4.       the quality of education has not been the same for each region.
5.       many acts of corruption, the funds provided for the national exams with billions still there is uneven distribution, if the funds are used to improve the education system, such as its facilities and laboratories for experimentation. will further help students.
6.        announcement of a national exam that can also bring misfortune.
after graduating, taught students to crime, as do street chaos, painting clothes, donated than throw

Better National Examination did not proceed

Nama: Yasinta
NIM: 1111001099

In my opinion, Indonesia, better National Examination did not proceed, because:
1)      Every child is unique. I think the basic lesson is necessary, but teachers must also consider the advantages of each student. with the national exam, students are required to master all subjects and tend to not focus on the lesson that he should have an interest and excel in it. Excess - excess students become less unnoticed because in the social environment a person who does not pass the national exam to say stupid, but if the excess in the noticed and given more motivation, this child will thrive.
2)       Students become depressed. Haunted by a sense of not passing the National Exam causes students lack confidence, do not believe what is taught by teachers and eventually cheat. This distress awoke from accumulated lessons to be learned, the additional hours and little time to relax. could have been a result of this distress, even good students can not answer questions well and ultimately did not pass.
3)       Three school years are not comparable with the only pass the National Exam. If education for 3 years only established through the National Exam, then the school is useless. Then disband just schools, let students learn at their own way. The important thing is if he felt his ability was enough, he could follow the National Examination and obtain a diploma from the state if they pass. It's easier and cheaper of course.
4)      Which perform selection should not the state but the market. The market of SMA is college, let those who do the selection. Home school graduating students will definitely get into trouble because their students will not pass the college entrance exams. While SMK is a world market for labor, which is not capable graduates will not get jobs. It is more fair because the judge based on market needs. That way students will not only pursue the National Examination only.

5)      In the test should not students but teachers and schools. during a student has not graduated from the school, the student is the responsibility of the teacher and the school. Better to select countries with good potential - future teachers. Not only selecting their knowledge but also their teaching and their attitudes. Countries should also establish a rule or system of teaching and school management. The rules are general rules that must be followed to prevent the teaching system performing well. it is also the state should tighten supervision on the school because the school is the very foundation of the nation's potential successor. What is taught to them that shaped their future.

I agree that National Examination to be stopped

Yulia Chaniago
Student of SIF 2012
Bakrie Univerity

Statement : “I agree that National Examination to be stopped

The Reasons are :

1.       Education was not fun anymore. Students just crammed exercise questions facing un. Nothing more than a school tutoring is just getting good grades and no longer character. Children no longer trained creativity and imagination.
2.       UN that the end result will be used as the basis for selection into further education also does not guarantee fairness for students.
3.       UN result is also used as the only instrument for determining graduation. This is a mistake. How many students who do not pass the exam in for three years are high achieving students. This is an injustice to the students. Injustice is at the final stage will cause severe psychological impact for students who do not pass.
4.       Schools also eventually feel a responsibility to ensure the students' graduation associated with better school credibility with the large number of students who pass the examination. Often schools and teachers make every effort to include a variety of fraud to ensure students graduating in the UN.
5.       Finally the Indonesian education that is already on the educational model by Paulo Freire criticized as banking education, which is a model of education that is not critical because it is directed to domestication, domestication, and social adjustment to the reality of the state of oppression, will increasingly be at the alarming condition. Students just become robots, uncreative trash and with the emergence of a new target in the world of education that is passed in the UN. UN issues form given in multiple choice as well turn off the power of creativity and critical students, because it is full of memorizing (theory) and poor reasoning.

6.       UN will also be very burdensome for schools located in remote areas, disaster areas, conflict areas, and areas of poor quality of education is still low compared to schools in other areas. Lack of educational facilities, low quality of education, lack of qualified personnel and teachers led to the level of preparedness in the areas of education to hold UN also low. Moreover, the UN held impressed hastily, so do not give them the opportunity to prepare themselves better. As a result, the UN tends to discriminate against them, when compared with students from normal areas.